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digital dermatoscope visit

(18.4.2018 14:52, IP: 199.64.xxx.xxx)

Good morning,
I would like to book a visit for general moles inspection with the digital dermatoscope.
I have insurance VZP. I would kindly ask if that visit woudl be covered byt the insurance, and if not How much will it cost.




  • Re: digital dermatoscope visit

    MUDr. David Štěpán, STEPAN-PLASTIKA.cz (18.4.2018 21:55)

    Dear Mrs. Baroni
    Appointment for dermatoskopical examination of birthmarks or nevi is possible to schedule if you call by telephone to the No 549240048 or 734 253 557 only.
    The examination cost 750 CZK and VZP maybe make a contribution of 500CZK to your payment in our office.
    If you are not call in Czech, call Thursdays , Fridays 8-16 o’clock.
    Sincerely David STEPAN D.M.


  • Re: digital dermatoscope visit

    MUDr. David Štěpán, STEPAN-PLASTIKA.cz (18.4.2018 21:55)

    Dear Mrs. Baroni
    Appointment for dermatoskopical examination of birthmarks or nevi is possible to schedule if you call by telephone to the No 549240048 or 734 253 557 only.
    The examination cost 750 CZK and VZP maybe make a contribution of 500CZK to your payment in our office.
    If you are not call in Czech, call Thursdays , Fridays 8-16 o’clock.
    Sincerely David STEPAN D.M.


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